
Tech CIO’s Top 5 Strategies You Can Borrow in 2023

Tech CIOs Top 5 Strategies You Can Borrow in 2023 scaled

In a world where automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) are the talk of the town, it’s easy to feel inundated with the vast array of technologies. However, we’ve managed to unravel the secret sauce to success from top CIOs. Buckle up and let’s dive into the top five strategies you can emulate in 2023.

Marrying Business and Technology

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John Heaton’s Aha Moment According to John Heaton, Head of Technology at Alex Bank, technology isn’t just a business tool. It’s the fairy godmother transforming the customer experience. He’s a staunch believer that an organization’s strategy and capabilities should mirror its technology delivery. Heaton points out that Aldi’s ‘low-cost/low-service model hinges on tech as much as its grocery services. The catch? They intentionally avoid providing online shopping. Intriguing, right?

Recycling Isn’t Just for Paper


Dr Steve Hodgkinson’s Mantra Former CIO for the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services, Dr Steve Hodgkinson, champions an ‘Platform + Agile’ approach. Think of it as giving yourself a 90% head-start by reusing platforms for new applications. However, he warns against the overuse of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, which can create internal weaknesses and technical debt. Instead, he suggests creating an in-house configurable SaaS platform to foster reuse across multiple technology layers.


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The Secret Sauce of Dr. Eban Escott Here’s something that Dr. Eban Escott, a Model Driven Engineering (MDE) advocate, is preaching in 2023: consolidation through standardization. His argument is that the amalgamation of an organization’s Way of Working and Technology Standards paves the way for continual improvement. The proof? Vic Health was able to roll out its Covid test tracker in a flash due to this approach.



Dr Kai-Fu Lee’s Trusty Sidekick According to Dr Kai-Fu Lee, AI is your friend, not your foe. He believes low-compassion and repetitive tasks will eventually be gobbled up by AI, making room for strategic, creative, and compassionate roles. Tools that enable developers to work alongside AI are popping up left, right, and center. Case in point: Kathleen Mackay of Revenue NSW leveraged Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate simple tasks, saving 20,000 staff hours. Now that’s some serious efficiency!

Finding the “Why?”


Kathleen Mackay’s Compass For leaders like Kathleen Mackay, technology is more than just a business tool — it’s a way to make an impact. One of her standout programs used AI to identify vulnerable individuals, diverting them from debt collection towards unpaid community and self-development activities. This approach has resolved $40 million in debt and has shown that technology’s impact can extend far beyond bottom-line figures.


Wrapping Up In a nutshell, the magic lies in the harmony between your tools, processes, and people. As technology leaders, it’s up to us to apply these principles, ensuring they align with our long-term business strategy. So, are you ready to borrow a leaf from these tech giants and redefine your 2023 strategy?

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