
Unleashing the Power of Mobile Integration: Top Strategies for Cricket Live Streaming Platforms with AEM, React, and Cordova

Unleashing the Power of Mobile Integration Top Strategies for Cricket Live Streaming Platforms with AEM React and Cordova

In the digital era, enterprises strive to deliver seamless web-to-mobile experiences. We walk you through a case study of a client seeking to migrate their React-based web application to a mobile platform, with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as their backend system. This concise guide will present four distinctive strategies, analyzing their benefits and costs, to inform your decision-making process.

Breaking Down Your Mobile Integration Options

Here are the four primary strategies explored:

AEM + React: This is the simplest, least expensive route, relying on React’s responsive design capabilities to create a mobile-friendly web application. However, it might not offer the native mobile functionalities other options provide.

AEM + React + Native (Android/iOS/WindowsMobile): The highest performing and most customizable option that leverages native frameworks for each platform, leading to a seamless user experience. However, this involves greater development effort and costs.

AEM + React + ReactNative: A cross-platform strategy with code reusability across multiple platforms, providing native device features access. While versatile, it may need some platform-specific code adjustments for a fully native experience.

AEM + React + Cordova: A cost-effective balance of native functionality and web application benefits, offering a good user experience. However, performance may not be as high as fully native options.

Factors Guiding Your Mobile Integration Strategy


The optimal strategy for your mobile integration depends on several factors, including the requirement for near-native performance, the need for stringent security measures, the desire for a customized user experience, dependency on native device functionalities, offline functionality requirements, and intent to publish on app stores.

Lessons from Thailand: The React + Cordova Experience

In our case study, a cost-effective, efficient development strategy was adopted in Thailand using React + Cordova. Despite the performance and customization limitations compared to fully native options, React + Cordova offered cost-effectiveness, cross-platform compatibility, and access to native functionalities via plugins.

Estimating the Cost of Mobile Integration Strategies


The cost, ranging from cheapest to most expensive, for the different strategies are:

React: Most cost-effective, lacking additional framework costs but with limited native functionality.

React + Cordova: Balance between cost and native functionality, with some device compatibility maintenance costs.

React + ReactNative: More expensive due to possible platform-specific customization costs, despite code reusability.

React + Native (Android/iOS/WindowsMobile): Most expensive due to separate native development for each platform, offering full native functionality.

Client Recommendation

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Given the client’s requirements and budget, we recommend the AEM + React + Cordova strategy for its cost-effectiveness, cross-platform compatibility, and access to native features. Nonetheless, it is crucial for the client to evaluate their priorities and the associated trade-offs with each option.


Through this guide, we’ve discussed four potential mobile integration strategies and provided a recommendation based on various factors. Ultimately, the decision lies with the client, who needs to assess their specific requirements, budget, and the trade-offs involved.

Further Reading for CXOs

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For a holistic understanding of some terminologies used:

Cordova: Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework that allows developers to create mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With Cordova, you can write a single app that runs on multiple mobile operating systems, reducing development time and costs.

AEM (Adobe Experience Manager): AEM is a comprehensive content management solution for building websites, mobile apps, and forms, making it easier to manage marketing content and assets. AEM with similar content to the last one

About DevZoa


DevZoa is a trailblazing software development company at the forefront of mobile streaming and React Native solutions. Our unwavering commitment lies in crafting revolutionary products that leverage technology to elevate the mobile streaming experience for users across the globe.

Are you in search of expert software development services in the realm of React Native and streaming? Look no further than DevZoa! Our team of highly skilled technologists specializes in creating exceptional solutions that seamlessly integrate the power of React Native with the captivating realm of streaming.

Whether you require a robust mobile streaming application, a feature-rich video platform, or a tailor-made solution tailored to your unique requirements, we possess the expertise to bring your vision to fruition. Place your trust in DevZoa to deliver unparalleled software that enhances user experience and distinguishes your streaming venture from the competition.

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